Once the salary plan was discontinued, only 48% of the CEOs who accepted the cut stayed in their positions. 一旦公司中止原有的薪酬方案,大幅削减薪酬,仅有48%的CEO接受了减薪,继续留任。
Indeed, taking a step down in pay is so common that the best question is no longer "when is it okay to take a salary cut?" 薪酬缩水在时下相当普遍,这已是不争的事实。目前,人们最关注的问题已不再是“什么时候应该接受减薪?”
She now works as head of client relations at Synergy Graphix, a former client, where she says she accepted a salary cut. 现在她在SynergyGraphix担任客户关系部负责人,这家公司是她以前的客户。她说,她在这里的薪水比以前下降了。
Finally, ask the company for a written agreement around the salary cut, when your old pay rate might be reinstated and if there will beany recompense for lost wages. 最后,向公司要一份降薪的书面证明,注明你的旧薪资什麽时候恢复,以及公司有对你损失的薪资有没有什麽补偿。
Tell the interviewer that the salary cut is worth it to you to start anew. 让面试官知道,对于你来说,与重新开始比较,薪水减少也是值得的。
If you are forced to take a salary cut, financial planners advise creating a realistic new budget and sticking to it. 如果你被迫接受减薪,财务规划专家建议你重新制定一个现实的新预算,并严格执行。
Under this scenario, you reduce your "cost" to your employer by agreeing to a salary cut, accepting an unpaid furlough, or switching to a four-day week. 在这种情况下,通过向你的上司承诺减薪、接受不带薪的假期、改为一周四天上班工作制等来降低你在公司的成本。
Maybe the job is a bad fit, maybe volatility in your industry gives you anxiety about the future, or maybe a salary cut is making too many of your purchases stress-inducing. 原因可能在于你并不适合这份工作,或是由于该行业的不确定性让你焦虑,还可能因为减薪导致了购买压力。
Since the crisis hit, her monthly salary has been cut in half. 经济危机来袭后,她的月薪已被削减了一半。
You found that halving your salary cut your enthusiasm. 你发现,薪水减半降低了你的工作热情。
I did join in June of 2008, but that meant a salary cut of 40 per cent, says Ms Ding. 那是2008年6月,我选择了加入,但这也意味着薪水要减少40%。
His salary has been cut ( by ten per cent). 他的薪水减少了(百分之十)。
A man does not like to have his salary cut down. 一个人总是不愿意自己的工资减少的。
Her salary was cut short by her boss without any excuse. 她的工资无端被老板克扣。
Others, like the tentative agreement on a salary cut here at The Times, are the result of discussions between employers and their union employees. 而《纽约时报》报业集团的初步减薪协议则是雇主和工会雇员讨论协商的结果。
A new suit for an interview that could increase your salary clearly fits the needs category and should be high on your list of costs that you cannot cut. 为了面试买套可以提高薪水的新西装,明显符合”需求品“范畴,因而要把它排在一个不能削减成本的清单位置上。
The train of thought of main research that "the achievement salary system of the company of Dagang Oilfield is studied": Make a reservation and think current situation diagnose more than-theory study focus cut and designed and asked and solved at--. 《大港油田公司业绩薪酬体系研究》的主要研究思路:定位思考理论学习现状诊断焦点切入设计求解。